We are a community of learners in the town of Markham.
The purpose of our page is to engage you,
the community member on our learning journey.
The purpose of our page is to engage you,
the community member on our learning journey.
Our school motto is:
“The Spirit to Try, the Courage to Fly”.
“The Spirit to Try, the Courage to Fly”.
School Information
Click here to find our school information
School Calendar
Click here to go to our Calendar in order to find all of the
school events that will be happening this year at EFPS
School Time Table
Click here to find our school time table that shows the break
down of our daily class schedule.
Nut Free Zone School Policy
In order to help ensure a safe learning environment for all, we remind all members of our school community to avoid bringing products that contain (or may contain) nuts. Many of our students have severe, life-threatening allergies to nuts and even non-physical contact can lead to an anaphylactic reaction.
Thank you for your support in monitoring food products
that are brought into the school.
School Kiss & Ride Policy
For Parents who choose to drive their children we have the following in place to ensure the safest and smoothest Drop-Off Process
EFPS School Bus Cancellation Notice
To ensure the safety of students, school bus
service may be cancelled due to inclement weather, extreme temperatures and/or
poor road conditions. In these cases, parents
and students should develop alternate care/transportation arrangements.
Since some busing schedules begin by 7:00
a.m., cancellation decisions must be made by 6:00 a.m. to allow time to
communicate this message to bus drivers.
Cancellation decisions will only be made after thorough consultation
with the Safety Officers of school bus companies servicing York Region and are based
on several factors including precipitation, air temperature, road conditions
and weather forecast.
Please note the following;
Parents, students and school staff are asked
to access the following radio and television stations after 6:00 a.m. to
receive bus cancellation information:
590 AM 640
AM 680 AM 860 AM
AM 1050 AM 1540 AM 1580
88.5 FM 89.9
FM 92.5 FM 93.1 FM
94.9 FM 95.9
FM 97.3 FM 98.1 FM
99.1 FM 99.9
FM 101.1 FM 102.1
104.5 FM 100.7 FM 105.9 107.1 FM
CITY TV CTV Barrie CTV Toronto
EFPS Social Media
In the fast pace world of social media, it is important to stay connected. Our ultimate goal is to improve the achievement, well being and success of each student at our school. With that in mind here are a couple of avenues you can follow EFPS that will assist us in that goal.
Lunch Drop Off
Parents dropping off lunches for students are asked to
leave them on the table inside the front doors.
Office staff will ensure that all lunches are picked up. |